Sunday, June 30, 2013

WOW Anita! You are 3yrs old

WOW baby girl, you are more than 3 years old now.  You did go into the hospital 2 times in April, but came out OK.
Just before your birthday Grandma and Grandpa McCone came to visit and saw you AT HOME for the first time. They have visited you before, but you were always in the hospital. They stayed a few days and had lots of fun, and you loved it when Grandma cuddled you.  You had a very happy birthday with lots of friends and family.
You have the doctors confused because you keep changing so much.  Some Drs. have very high hopes for you but some don't. The ones that don't have to deal with daddy and I tell them that only GOD knows what will happen. In the meantime you have nurses all day and night every day. Everyone loves you very much.  Mommy and Daddy just love to enjoy you and make you smile so big every single minute of everyday. You seem to be getting stronger everyday too and that makes everyone happy.

Just remember my lovely baby girl, Anita Rose Bushak what Daddy said when you were first born.  DADDY'S HERE, EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE ALRIGHT!

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